Saturday, March 26, 2011

"No problem, I play"

It is of good use that I can play almost any hymn from the church hymnal by heart with my viola. And I am not saying this to show off. I just want to emphasize the importance of being prepared to worship our Lord with our instruments (or voice).

Today I was asked last minute (or second lol) to play a special music in church. We are in evangelistic meetings in church so there has to be special music every evening. The person in charge of the music this week decided to go for a social event today instead of being responsible. Since there was no one to play for special music, I was asked to play. So what did I do? I just opened a hymnbook in a random page, saw the hymn it opened at, gave it to the pianist and checked in which key the hymn was. Praise the Lord, He showed me which hymn to play at that moment, because it was all in a rush! And I was NOT nervous at all!! I actually enjoy a lot playing the "good-old" hymns in the simple hymnbook style (it makes me feel free lol).

But, what if I did not know any hymn? What if I was too shy to play a solo? 

Whould I had to say "I'm sorry but I can't"? Thank God, people see in me a person who can praise the Lord with my music. Thank God for my parents who encouraged me, since I was little, to play hymns (that was a Friday-evening thing at home).

Although I prefer things more organized (as in, I prefer when I am asked ahead of time) it is good when people add some excitement to my life asking me to play "ao vivo" (*).

(*) An expression in portuguese that, though it is literally translated as "live", it means, as far as I've understood, last minute or like always ready.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spiritual Retreat

It is not uncommon for the churches in Brazil to organize spiritual retreats during the Carnival holidays. I believe it is totally programmed with the intention of drawing the people's attention (esp. young people) to something  meaningful rather than waisting their time in events such as the famous Brazilian Carnival.

I was blessed to be invited to go camping with Central Recife SDA Church.

Our little 'villa'

With Priscila. The day we met, she invited me to go camping with them!
She's amazing!

With the youth leaders of Central Recife SDA church

The whole group

Friday, March 11, 2011

God of the impossible

(Numbers 11:21-23)

Moses was worried because the Israelites were asking for food. He tried to reason and think of possibilities to feed 600,000 men (+ their families). To his human perspective, it was definitedly impossible. However, God showed Moses that there's nothing impossible for the Lord.

It is interesting that Moses, the great leader and man of faith, goes to God and tries to convince Him that it is totally impossible to feed all those people. Moses even tries to look smart and give reasons why it is not possible (vs. 22). How many times have we done the same? We go to God and tell Him that it is not possible. Isn't He the God of the impossible? Didn't He say that everything is possible for Him? Isn't He the Creator? Then, why do we try to limit God with our limited mind?

I love God's answer to Moses' concern, which is an answer to my concerns as well. (vs. 23) "And the Lord said to Moses, Is the Lord's hand waxed short? Thou shalt see now whether my words shall come to pass unto thee or not." The way God provided food for the Israelites was so great and magnificent that it showed how powerful He is.

God wants us to never forget that everything is possible for Him. Even when it looks impossible to our human perspective. We do not need to worry, God has his own powerful ways.